Wednesday 12 August 2015

Are you ready?

Clearing is very much upon us with less than 24 hours away to A level results! For those of you that are nervous for results day I would urge you to keep calm and relax. My colleague Ann previously wrote that taking time to enjoy hobbies, socialising and enjoying the lovely UK weather we have recently been blessed with having is a good way of passing time before results day; I must say I agree with her.

Here are a few tips for to prepare you for clearing:

Do your research

If there is a course that you want to apply for, then it may be beneficial to also look for alternative courses that may also lead on to your chosen career path. Some Courses may be closed or unable to offer you a place based on your application. So it is always a good idea to be aware of other courses that may be of interest to you.
You can check clearing course place via
Or the universities clearing website

Keep calm and remain focused

There will be those of you that are elated, happy, and ecstatic that you have achieved great results. However, there will also be those of you whom are disappointed, sad and tearful that have not done as well as anticipated. We all know emotions will be running high on results day. We have all been there: receiving bad news throwing ourselves into bed promising to never leave our rooms again as the world has ended!

  • Please note that there are chat and phone staff that are all current university of Greenwich students, that can relate to the frustration and upset that can be caused by results day.
  • Remember it is ok to be upset, cry but don’t be discouraged. Gather yourself and call us, we are happy to help.

Be prepared

Be ready with your UCAS ID number and be ready to confirm personal details. It is ok for parents to be there for moral support, whilst you are on the phone with us.  However, we are unable to give out details on applications to friends, parents, uncles, siblings etc. unless they are the nominated person listed on your UCAS application, we may ask to speak with you to confirm that this is ok.


Once you have made a clearing application be mindful that we may send you a transcript request via email. Here we will ask you to submit certificates or/and transcripts papers to support your application. Please pay close attention to what is requested and which email to send your transcripts to. Mistakes may prolong the application process.

I would like to congratulate you on making it this far; well done the best is yet to come! :)


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